Analog Mixing Studio

Analog Mixing Studio

The Analog Mixing Studio is a dedicated mixing environment for music producers of all kind. The studio supports a hybrid approach to audio production where source material is in the digital domain but is processed and mixed using analog mixing techniques and processing. The audio hub in the studio is a Trident 68 Analog Mixing board situated with a Mac Studio computer running ProTools via a Lynx Aurora audio interface. Unique analog outboard processors include a Space Echo, Echopet, Effectron, and tube reverb.

Hardware: Trident 68 analog mixing desk, Apple Mac Studio computer, Lynx Aurora 16n audio interface, Studer A807 two track tape machine, and Genelec 1032A speakers. Outboard processors include: Space Echo delay, Echopet reverb, Effectron digital delay, Warm Audio tube EQ, UA 1176 compressor, tube reverberator, and a Korg MS-20.

Software: ProTools, Logic, Ableton Live Suite, Max/MSP and Reaper. Plugins by Vahalla , Universal Audio, Waves, Soundtoys, Izotope, Celemony, and Soundhack.